Anti-social behaviour at Manor Farm Park

Sadly we’ve been having reports of anti-social behaviour at Manor Farm Park behind the community centre. If you spot anti-social behaviour please do not approach the culprits but report to the police on 101 or on their website and make sure you ask for a crime number. If you feel intimidated or in danger always call the police on 999.

Peterborough Police have said “We’re aware of anti-social behaviour happening atManor Park in Eye and will be increasing our patrols of the park. If you know who’s responsible for the littering of alcohol bottles or anti-social behaviour, report information to us here″

Please also contact the Parish Council and make them aware. Although the Parish Council is not able to do anything directly we can make sure that those that can are fully aware. Additionally, you can also report to Peterborough City Council via Please make sure you include the date and time, what was happening and the location.

The park is a well-used community location and we want to keep it safe for everyone.