Community infrastructure levy (CIL)

What is CIL?

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is money paid by developers to the local planning authority (Peterborough City Council) to support local infrastructure that helps communities manage the changes brought about by the development. The Parish Council gets a proportion of this money.

The money can be used to fund a wide variety of infrastructure including:

  • health facilities
  • parks, green spaces and leisure centres
  • hospitals and other health and social care facilities
  • schools and other educational facilities
  • transport schemes.

It replaces Section 106 planning obligations for many forms of infrastructure, although Section 106 agreements can still be used for site-specific mitigation measures and for affordable housing provision.

The proportion of the CIL Parish Councils receive depends on whether they have a Neighbourhood Plan. If they have a plan in place, they will get 25% of the receipts, parishes that do not have a Neighbourhood Plan get 15% of the receipts and this is capped at an equivalent of £100 per dwelling per year. Local information on neighbourhood plans can be found on the city council’s website.

2016/2017 CIL Report

Total received for the year: £2,349.00 for the year.

Summary of CIL expenditure.

  • Arched Mortuary doors = £1,349.00

Total spent £2,349.00.

2017/2018 CIL Report

Total received for the year: £6,832.

Summary of CIL expenditure.

  •  Leeds Hall Roofing project = £6,832

2019/2020 CIL Report

Total received for the year: £3,342.37

Summary of CIL expenditure.

  • Leeds Hall Water Heater = £216.35
  • Leeds Hall exterior lights = £537.50
  • Allotment Drainage  = £2,588.52

2020/2021 CIL Report

Total received for the year: £7,435

Summary of CIL expenditure.
Amount Spent in the financial year 2020/2021 = £3,513

  • New Cremated remains area in Eye Cemetery = £1,055
  • New railings at cemetery = £2,058
  • Spring & Summer planters along the High Street = £400

Underspent from 2920/2021 = £3,922. No underspend from previous years

2022/2023 CIL Report

Total received for year = £16,992.86

Amount Spent in the Year

  • New Leeds Hall Floor = £4,900
  • New Village Sign = £7,420
  • Total = £12,320

Underspend for year = £4,672.86

2023/2024 CIL Report

Total received for year = £0

Underspent from 2022/2023 = £4,672.80

Total = £4,672.80

Amount Spent in the Year

  • Spring & Autumn Planters £670
  • Defibrillator £289
  • Beacon £1,000
  • Pavilion CCTV £2,600

Total = £4,559

Underspent form this year = £113.80

No underspend from previous years

Further information