Category Archives: News

National Highways A47 speed safety scheme

National Highways are proposing speed management changes at six different locations in the eastern region, on the A47, A5 and A120 with a cost of around £5 million.

A total of 118 reported injury collisions were recorded on the A47 Peterborough to Kings Lynn route over a 5-year period, with 234 casualties.

One of these locations is the A47 between the A15 Parkway roundabout and the first roundabout at Thorney which will see a speed limit of 50mph with three sets of average speed enforcement cameras so each section can be monitored independently:

  • Welland Road roundabout to Little Wood roundabout
  • Little Wood roundabout to Crowland Road roundabout
  • Crowland Road roundabout to Oversley Lodge (Thorney) roundabout.

The A16 between Crowland and Spalding and the A605 between Stanground and Whittlesey are two examples where average speed camera’s are already used locally.

A formal consultation will start late autumn 2024, this will last a minimum of 21 days. Work is expected to start on the wider scheme spring 2025.

Read more about the schemes on the Highways England website. Read more about average speed cameras here.

Eye Neighbourhood Plan Summer Survey 2024

Eye Neighbourhood Plan Working Group is asking all residents to complete the summer survey which is now live. While the group can make it’s own decisions, legally neighbourhood plans have to be led by the parish council.

Joss Edge, Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan working group said: “The Neighbourhood Plan is quite possibly one of the most important documents developed for the village in recent years.

“The survey is an important part of the process in the development of the plan and it’s important that we hear from all residents what you think is good, or bad, about living in Eye or Eye Green so we can understand what you care about and your aspirations for the parish. The group has put lots of work into creating this survey so please spend a few moments to complete it.

“All responses will be used solely for preparing this Neighbourhood Plan. The survey is anonymous and no-one will be identifiable in any published results.”

You can fill out the survey online or below. Printed copies of the survey can be found in the Leeds Hall or Manor Farm Community Centre.

You can read more about the neighbourhood plan on the website.

Memories of Eye Café and Lantern Making workshop

Peterborough Presents is running a Memories of Eye Café and Lantern Making workshop at the Leeds Hall in the village on the Saturday 20 July from 11am – 3pm.

Entry is free so bring along any photos, scrapbooks or other memories about the village. Peterborough Presents are looking for your stories about Eye. Enjoy an exhibition by Andrew Mortlock, the London Brick archivist and ask him any questions about the brickworks. Alternatively, make a lantern while you talk to the wonderful team from the parade, Light Whale International. All ages welcome.

Peterborough Presents works with communities and artists to create art that is fun, diverse, and most importantly, relevant to local residents.

What to expect

The Memories of Eye Cafe will feature images from the village’s history on tables and in a small exhibition. And please bring along any photos, archives or objects about the recent history of Eye that you would like to share. Andrew Mortlock, the London Brick Company Archivist will have a display about Northam brickworks that were in Eye and can answer any questions about brick making. Volunteers and staff from Peterborough Presents are hoping to chat to people and collect their memories. All memories, photos and archives shared will feed into the lantern parade and a heritage trail that will be sited in the village in November.

At the same time, Light Whale International will lead lantern making workshops. Anyone can participate and you don’t need to bring anything. You can make a lantern that you can bring to the parade and it’s the first workshop of the year for everyone to take part in.

There will be free tea, coffee and biscuits from 11am- 3pm. You can also go along if you just want to meet others for a chat, just drop in.

Parking is extremely limited so we encourage everyone to walk.

Road more on the Peterborough Presents website.

Eye Lantern Parade

Eye Lantern Parade November 2022

Police Surgery – Thursday 27 August 2024

Police drop-in surgeries provide an opportunity for you to meet your local engagement Officer and raise any issues or concerns.

The surgeries are informal with no requirement to book to attend. You can pop in any time between the hours below and you will have the opportunity to speak to the officer about any issues affecting your area, obtain crime prevention advice and raise any concerns.

Tuesday 27 August 2024, 5pm – 7pm
Leeds Hall, High Street, Eye. PE6 7UP.